And I've started on the digital section of my portfolio. I don't know why, but the layout took a while.

So there's a Pixar info session tomorrow at 6. I'm going after work. It better not be all about the TD internship. I'm going to force myself to ask questions afterward and hopefully win some points. *ding ding* HOLLAHHH
Yikes. It's time to study :(
I don't know how it is with Pixar but Roddy says for mArch portfolios they spend an average of 10-15 seconds looking at someone's portfolio. I hope that's cause they just get a TON of bad ones? Anyways gluck with the info sesh. This week's crazy career option: start a custom business card design business. I need a partner though. Two guys in my studio want to start a waffle cart that goes around Wurster, I think that'll do pretty well too.