So I went to the Pixar infosession last Wednesday. It was mostly centered on computer science related internships, which kind of sucked (for me, at least). They probably only said 2 sentences about anything art related. It also made me really realize what a far-fetched dream this is for me. Everyone was on their best behavior trying to suck up to the Pixar reps. Gross. But I did find it amusing to hear all the CS majors worrying about not being artistic. har har.
Oh and I got a Wall-E paddle thing. Cool?
On another note, I thought I would have so much time to draw and work on my Pixar portfolio this weekend, but school always finds a way to mess things up. It looks like Sunday is pretty much taken up by two group projects, and the rest of this week will be full of working on my construction project. I'm finding it really hard to look for jobs when school keeps trying to screw me over. NOT COO. SHOOOOO
I need to send this thing in by the end of next weekend, and it is not looking good. Anyways this is what I threw together in like 2 hours:

It's a bunch of possible color schemes for my supposedly "elaborate" center piece of my portfolio. Oh joy, another forest scene. On the whole I kinda winged it, but I think I'll stick with the middle left one. I'm pressed for time, so I don't think I should be too picky.
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